In her “Eccentric Listening”-program, AMET presents eccentric, audacious and daring music as a hosted digital audio show. Sound artist Elsa M'Bala was born in Yaoundé/Cameroon and lives and works in Berlin. Under her artistname AMET, she produces live podcasts, a mixture of DJing and live radio shows in which field recordings are interwoven live with interviews. Her sound is a reflection on race, cultural background, gender and spirituality. It questions how an artist's musical output should sound like, based on their background and strives to dissolve expectations in this regard. Amet's works are built on scales that break with the diatonicism of the Western canon and instead engage in a non-Western musical practice.
Be true - AMET
Honneur et Gloire - Anne-Marie Nzié
Bolea Mba - Henri Dikongué et son ensemble
Le takesh - AMET
Roi Nsanggou Mama Mouluen - Sultan Njoya
Sahel sounds: Dannibe - Tidiane Thiam
Short documentary: Tribute to Anne-Marie Nzié(2022)
directed by AMET (Elsa M’bala) for Douala Music’Art Festival 2022 in Douala, Cameroon